Acts of Violence


Acts of violence include anything from terrorism and active shooter incidents to bullying and suicided.  Be Informed about the protective actions.


Learn and teach others what to do in the event of any act of violence:

Acts of Violence

There are many ways that someone may intentionally hurt another or themselves. What ever the way, you can learn how to respond appropriately to save your life or the lives of others and how to Be the Help Until Help Arrives.

Active Shooter

FBI Active Shooter Incidents Study 2000-2013

Workplace violence is on the rise. Having a plan could make a difference to save lives and avoid disruption of your critical operations. Almost every day we turn on the news and hear about some active shooter incident across the
country or around the world. 

According to a study done by the FBI of the 160 active shooter incidents in the US between 200-2013 there is a upward trend of shooting incidents. From 200-2013 the most common place for an active shooter is in the businesses. 45.6 % Commerce/ Private Sector, 24.4% Education/Schools, 10% in Government, the remaining 20% in Open Space, Residences, Houses of Worship & Health Care. 

Active Shooter Preparedness for the Workplace

Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Do your employees know how to respond? Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes,  before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with  an active shooter situation.

Does your business have a plan and do you exercise it? Consult your local law enforcement agency when developing your active shooter plan. They will have key information that will assist you in building a strong plan that can save lives. Training videos and a tabletop exercise, including facilitator notes, are included here to assist Utah businesses in preparing for this growing threat.


Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism; assassinations; kidnappings; hijackings; bomb scares and bombings; cyber attacks (computer-based); and the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological weapons. For details see this FEMA article.

The following are general guidelines to protect yourself:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Move or leave if you feel uncomfortable or if something does not seem right.
  • Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not leave luggage unattended. You should promptly report unusual behavior, suspicious or unattended packages, and strange devices to the police or security personnel.
  • Learn where emergency exits are located in buildings you frequent. Plan how to get out in the event of an emergency.
  • Be prepared to do without services you normally depend on—electricity, telephone, natural gas, gasoline pumps, cash registers, ATMs, and Internet transactions.


Parcels that should make you suspicious:

  • Are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
  • Have no return address, or have one that can’t be verified as legitimate.
  • Are marked with restrictive endorsements such as “Personal,” “Confidential,” or “Do not X-ray.”
  • Have protruding wires or aluminum foil, strange odors, or stains.
  • Show a city or state in the postmark that doesn’t match the return address.
  • Are of unusual weight given their size, or are lopsided or oddly shaped.
  • Are marked with threatening language.
  • Have inappropriate or unusual labeling.
  • Have excessive postage or packaging material, such as masking tape and string.
  • Have misspellings of common words.
  • Are addressed to someone no longer with your organization or are otherwise outdated.
  • Have incorrect titles or titles without a name.
  • Are not addressed to a specific person.
  • Have hand-written or poorly typed addresses.

If you receive a telephoned bomb threat, you should do the following:

  • Get as much information from the caller as possible.
  • Keep the caller on the line and record everything that is said.
  • Notify the police and the building management.

If there is an explosion, you should:

  • Get under a sturdy table or desk if things are falling around you. When they stop falling, leave quickly, watching for obviously weakened floors and stairways. As you exit from the building, be especially watchful of falling debris.
  • Leave the building as quickly as possible. Do not stop to retrieve personal possessions or make phone calls.
  • Do not use elevators.

Once you are out:

  • Do not stand in front of windows, glass doors, or other potentially hazardous areas.
  • Move away from sidewalks or streets to be used by emergency officials or others still exiting the building.

If you are trapped in debris:

  • If possible, use a flashlight to signal your location to rescuers.
  • Avoid unnecessary movement so you don’t kick up dust.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with anything you have on hand. (Dense-weave cotton material can act as a good filter. Try to breathe through the material.)
  • Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where you are.
  • If possible, use a whistle to signal rescuers.
  • Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause a person to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.

Biological Threats

If you become aware of an unusual and suspicious substance nearby:

  • Move away quickly.
  • Wash with soap and water.
  • Contact authorities.
  • Listen to the media for official instructions.
  • Seek medical attention if you become sick.

If you are exposed to a biological agent:

  • Remove and bag your clothes and personal items. Follow official instructions for disposal of contaminated items.
  • Wash yourself with soap and water and put on clean clothes.
  • Seek medical assistance. You may be advised to stay away from others or even quarantined.

More Info:

Chemical Threats

The protective action for chemical threats is to shelter in place and seal the room. See the Shelter-In-Place page for details. Also see the Hazardous Materials Incident page for more info on chemical related threats and risks.

Nuclear Blast

The protective action for a nuclear blast is Distance, Shielding, and Time. See the Nuclear/Radiological Incident page for details.

Hometown Security

You can contribute to the safety and security of your workplace and your communities. Learn how to Connect - Plan - Train – Report at

See Something - Say Something

Recognize the signs to See Something  and then Say Something through reporting suspicious activity to local law enforcement or email [email protected]. Sign up for the free 8 Signs of Terrorism training available to your group or business upon request.

Civil Unrest Resources

The following are a selection of resources from the United States Fire Administration (USFA) and partner agencies to support fire and EMS safety, preparedness, planning, and response in environments of civil unrest.

Suicide Prevention

Suicide plagues nearly every demographic and is preventable. Here are some resources for suicide prevention and awareness.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Know the warning signs and risk factors of suicide. LiveOnUtah or NAMI

Suicide prevention resources on

SafeUtah App: provides ways to get help, give help and get involved. There are many life saving resources provided on


You Are The Help Unitl Help Arrives

Learn 5 simple steps that may save a life. Provides an animated interactive video, a web-based training program, and downloadable instructor guide and student tools to provide in-person training.

Until Help Arrives

See Something, Say Something

Know the signs of suspicious activities and how to report it.

See Something, Say Something

Suicide Prevention and Awareness at

Get help, give help, or get involved with suicide prevention.

Image saying Private Sector Preparedness Council