Be Ready Business is the State’s emergency preparedness campaign for Utah’s private sector.
Be Ready Business encourages the private sector to build their Business Continuity Plans and Emergency Response Plans, encourages the provision of local forums where the private sector can receive support towards private sector preparedness, provides tools and resources that enable steps towards a resilient private sector, and recognizes prepared businesses.
As you prepare your business to bounce back after any disaster please consider the following:
- 40% to 60% of businesses disrupted by a disaster without a continuity plan never reopen.
- Companies that cannot resume operations within 10 days after a disaster’s first impact are not likely to survive.
- However companies with an exercised business continuity plan recover faster than businesses without a plan at all.
- Companies with a business continuity plan are the least likely to develop communication problems with their stakeholders.
- Employees are 76-86% more likely to become emergency prepared when encouraged by employers.
Have a disaster preparedness plan on hand and resolve to dust it off, update it, and exercise it. At no cost to you, Be Ready Business can help you update your plan, or help you create a plan as well as support you with putting together an exercise that meets the needs of your organization.
Subscribe for Be Ready Business Emails by choosing the "Workplace / Business" option.
Popular Downloads
Business Continuity Planning
Business Continuity Planning Toolbox
Online Business Continuity Planning Training
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Private Sector Preparedness Councils
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Build a workforce that knows how to respond in a disaster. The Workplace Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Starter Guide will help you. See the CERT Website to learn more about CERT.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
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Business Watch