Make a Plan: School
The Point
Since President Jefferson founded public education for the citizens of the United States, schools have been charged with the safety of children in their care - a duty to protect.
Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to anticipate potential dangers and to take precautions to protect their students from those dangers.
Do This
Do these 12 points of school prearedness to enhance the safety of students and staff.
The safety of our children is of paramount importance in daily school operations.
Use the tools on the rest of this page to help you out.
- LASD Surviving An Active Shooter Video
- Utah School Criticial Incident Commision School - What To Do In A LOCKDOWN Procdures Video
- Utah Schools Critical Incident Commission What To Do In A LOCKOUT Video
- Utah Schools Critical Incident Commission SHLETER-IN-PLACE Video
- Utah Schools Critical Incident Commission Student-Parent Reunification Video
- Department of Homeland Security Bomb Threat Procedures Video
- CDC Bomb Threat Procedures Video
- Be Ready Schools 12 Point Plan
- Be Ready Schools 12 Point Power Point in PDF
- Basic School Emergency Preparedness Considerations
- Disaster Supply Kit
- Emergency Preparedness Planning Guide for Utah Schools
- Emergency Contact Information
- Utah Safe Schools Commission 2018 Report
- FEMA- Sample School Emergency Operations Plan
- K-12 Bystander Reporting Toolkit
- Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education
- Guide for developing High-Quality K-12 School Emergency Operations Plans
- USBE School Safety Center
- CISA: K-12 School Security Guide Product Suite
- CISA: K-12 Anonymized Threat Response Guidance
- FEMA Multihazard Planning for Schools Toolkit
- FEMA Analyzing School Hazards
- FEMA School Action Planning Worksheet
- FEMA Video Library
- FEMA Sample Forms, Checklists, Worksheets
- FEMA Conducting Exercises & Drills
- REMS TA - Safer Schools & Campuses - Best Practices Clearinghouse
- Red Cross - How Schools can Prepare for Disasters
- International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction - (Resources for Schools and Children)
Schools Need A Plan.
Benjamin Franklin said "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Planning is preparedness. And preparedness is planning. Planning for the unthinkable. School administrations need both plans for specific incidents and All-Hazard plans that can be adapted to unforsen situations that arise. The safety of our children rests on these planning and preparedness principles.