Schools: A Duty to Protect
Since Thomas Jefferson founded public education for the citizens of the United States, schools have been charged with the safety of our children in their care - a duty to protect.
Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to anticipate dangers and to take precautions to protect their students from those dangers.
Be Ready Schools is here to help schools and administrators create and implement plans, protocols and procedures to ensure the safety of students and staff.
Popular Downloads
Ready Schools 12 Point Program Training
The 12 Points of School ReadinessĀ will help ensure the safety of school students and staff during a natural or manmade disaster or incident.
Free training to any School or District administration and staff upon request. Click here to submit a request, or call the Division of Emergency Management at 801-538-3400 to schedule to have the training brought to your school or offices.
Be Ready Schools 12 Point
School Readiness Coordinating Council (SRCC)
The School Readiness Coordinating Council is a quarterly meeting attended by senior district, charter, private & parochial administrators. The SRCC provides requested trending and current training from subject matter experts.
If interested in attending please contact the DEM State School Readiness Coordinator by clicking the button below.
School Safety Center
The School Safety Center is supported by the Utah State Board of Education to ensure the physical and emotional safety of each student through technical support, training, and resources.
School Safety Center
Utah PTA Safety Commission
Utah PTA Safety Commission assists in educating and involving you in safety issues.
Utah PTA Safety Commission
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS)
REMS empowers schools to plan ahead to ensure the safety and general welfare of all members of their school or campus community. Discover the resources and training REMS provides.
Red Cross Pedro the Penguin Program
Prepare with Pedro with the American Red Cross books and activities for children.
Pedro the Penguin
Teen CERT may take place in a school or community setting. Teen CERT teaches students basic disaster response skills. Work with your local Municipal CERT Program for support.
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)