Mar. 24, 2016
Be Ready Utah Week
Gary Richard Herbert
Whereas, the Be Ready Utah public outreach campaign was created on April 6, 2006, following the devastating floods in Southern Utah and the even greater disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina, and
Whereas, the Be Ready Utah Program has operated for the past ten years under the Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, educating and encouraging Utah residents to “Make a Plan, Get a Kit, Be Informed and Get Involved,” leading people to take action and create family disaster plans and build disaster supply kits, and
Whereas, the Be Ready Utah staff continues to reach thousands of people across the state every year through hundreds of emergency preparedness presentations and fairs, website, social media, the Great Utah ShakeOut drill, and through the distribution of tens of thousands of informative emergency preparedness booklets, brochures and other education tools, and
Whereas, the risk of natural and technological hazards remains high in Utah, especially involving floods, wildfires, storms and earthquakes, and the need for emergency preparedness is still great, and
Whereas, investments in disaster preparedness and mitigation save money, time and efforts in emergency response,
Now, Therefore, I, Gary R. Herbert, Governor of the State of Utah, do hereby declare April 4 – 8, 2016, asBe Ready Utah Week
Gary R. Herbert
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