Hazards In Utah


Knowledge of which hazards/disasters can happen near you will help you in your preparation plans. Know the protective actions for each hazard. Each hazard brings unique challenges that are important to consider. Plan for the disruptions the disaster causes and you will be better prepared to handle any disaster.  The 3 different types of disasters are: Natural Disasters, Technological failures, and human caused/intentional disasters. Knowledge reduces stress by empowering you with what you can do about the situations you may find yourself in.


  • Discover natural hazards near you through the various Hazard Maps. Also consider technological and intentional disasters.
  • Learn the protective actions for each hazard.
  • Plan for the disruptions each disaster causes.

Hazards In Utah

Explore each hazard, know the protective actions for each hazard, and plan for the disruptions each hazard causes.

Image of a hand curled into a fist hitting something.
Acts of Violence
Image of an avalanche rolling down a mountainside.
Image of a mobile device resting on a wood surface and showing cybersecurity features enabled on the device.
Cyber Threat
Image of a cracked, dry lake bed somewhere in the desert.
Image of a broken up paved road, badly  damaged by an earthquake.
Image of the sun shining brightly over a hillside.
Extreme Heat
Aerial view image of a flooded town.
Image of the back end of a tanker trailer with five hazardous materials placards.
Aerial view image of a landslide pushing against some houses.
Image of a distraught man wiping his left eye with his left hand.
Mental Health
Image of a nuclear Fallout Shelter sign attached to a brick building.
Image of a young woman wearing an examination mask with a graphic rendering of a virus cell superimposed.
Image of a young man in the dark, holding a bright flashlight.
Power Outage
Image of snow falling on multiple cars and trucks slowly driving or stopped on a slick freeway.
Severe Weather
Image of three different power lines and poles with the sun setting in the background.
Space Weather
Image of a firefighter using a fire hose to spray water onto a burning two-story house.
Structure Fire
Image of a tornado touching down in a field with a tree.
Image of a mountainside with pine trees fully engulfed in bright flames.

Interactive Hazard Maps

Explore each hazard map to discover possible hazards near you.

Image of wildfire risk map of Utah County

Utah Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal:  Interactive map of wildfire risks near you.

Image of wildfire risk map of Utah County
Utah Wildfire Information:  Interactive map of active wildfires near you, and season summary.
Image of a flood hazard map showing potential flood risk of an undisclosed location.
Utah's Flood Hazard Map:  Interactive map of flood risks near you. See map interpretation.
Image of a flood hazard map showing potential flood risk of an undisclosed location.
Fans and Fires Flood Risk Map:  Interactive map shows recent fires and fans to identify flood risk. See video how alluvial fans create flood risk.
Image of a flood hazard map showing potential flood risk of an undisclosed location.

FEMA Flood Hazard Map:  Interactive map of flood risks near you. Also find the definition of your flood zone here.

Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.
NOAA National Flood Prediction Map: River Gauges. Monitor current water levels.
Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.
Interactive - Google's Flood Hub: Flood prediction and early warning system.
Image of a geologic hazards map showing the Wasatch Fault lines between Davis and Salt Lake Counties.

Utah Geologic Hazards Portal:  Interactive map of earthquake, liquefaction, landslide, radon, and other risks near you.

Image of a drought monitor map showing extreme drought of the western United States.

US Drought Monitor:  Interactive map of drought near you.

Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.

Do you live in an oil train blast zone?

Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.
Interactive real time lightning risk map. See lightningmaps.org or weatherbug.com/alerts/spark
Image of a generic map showing city streets and crime reports.
SpotCrime.com, or crimemapping.com:  Interactive maps of reported crimes near participating jurisdictions.
Image of a map of Salt Lake County showing expected earthquake damage areas.

HAZUS by FEMA:  ArcGIS tool to help you estimate risks near you.

Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.

FEMA National Risk Index:  Interactive map to understand your risk to natural hazards.

Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT), a free, easy-to-use geographic information systems (GIS) tool that helps emergency managers and community partners visualize, prioritize and implement strategies to build resilience.
Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT), a free, easy-to-use GIS tool that helps visualize, prioritize and implement strategies to build resilience. Also see the RAPT Resource Center.
Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.
Interactive Climate Vulnerability Risk Map
Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.

Hazard Index Tool:  Interactive map of hazard risks near you.

Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.
Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR)
Image of an interactive map of Utah with counties highlighted in various colors.
Search your location to find past disasters that have happened in your area.

Know Your Protective Actions

This page provides a summary list of protective actions.

Protective Actions

Utah Hazard Mitigation

This State website identifies natural hazards found in Utah and their potential impacts on people, infrastructure, and resources. 

Utah Hazard Mitigation
Image saying Utah Hazard Mitigation.