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- Earthquakes -
- Business QuakeSmart Toolkit
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Do you know that we live in earthquake country? Every April, Utah practices for
earthquakes in the biggest disaster drill of the year called The Great Utah Shakeout.
Use the following resources to learn more on how to prepare your business for earthquakes.
What we do today to prepare for an earthquake will determine what our lives and
business will be like after the earthquake. The 7 Steps to an Earthquake Resilient
Business booklet provides detailed instructions for any size business to get prepared.
For more information please follow the link Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country:
Your Handbook for Earthquakes in Utah.
Is your business prepared?
Most businesses have not conducted earthquake mitigation measures to protect their assets, staff and business operations.
What does it mean to be a QuakeSmart Business?
To be a QuakeSmart business you need to answer the following questions.
- What is your earthquake hazard?
- What are your earthquake vulnerabilities?
- Are your employees aware of the hazards and do they know what to do?
- Do you have an Earthquake Mitigation Plan?
- Do you exercise or drill your plan?
Did You Know?
Most businesses have not conducted earthquake mitigation measures to protect their assets, staff and business operations.
Did You Know?
Small businesses alone account for more than 99 percent of all companies with employees, employ 50 percent of all private sector workers, and provide nearly 45 percent of the Nation's payroll.
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