Pandemic and Biological Threats
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- Pandemic Planning Guidance - FFIEC
- Document Title Hyperlinked
- Document Title Hyperlinked
- Document Title Hyperlinked
- Document Title Hyperlinked
- National Influenza Vaccination Week
- Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine
- Fight the Flu Digital Media Toolkit
- Link Title Hyperlinked
- Link Title Hyperlinked
1. Flu Prevention: General Prevention Tips
a. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze.
b. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcoholbased hand sanitizer.
c. Avoid Touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
d. Avoid Close contact with people who are sick.
2. Flu Prevention at work – For employees
a. Regularly clean and sanitize areas throughout the workplace that are often touched or used by others (i.e., door handles, conference tables, light switched, etc)
b. If you are feeling ill, stay at home from work and avoid contact with others. Stay home from work until your fever has been gone for at least 24 hours without the assistance of fever reducing medication.
c. Encourage colleagues to stay home from work if they are feeling ill.
d. Speak with your employer now to develop an action plan in case you or a colleague get the flu, including modified work schedules, flexible hours or working from home. This plan can also be activated post disaster.
3. Flu Prevention at work – For Employers
a. Allow sick workers to stay home. Ensure sick leave policies are flexible. Do not require sick notes for absences or as a condition for returning to work - this could clog the health care system
b. Sick employees at work should be asked to go home. Be familiar with symptoms. Promptly separate sick workers from other workers until they can go home. Inform other employees of possible exposure (but the employee's identity should remain confidential, as required by law)
c. Improve hand hygiene. Instruct employees to wash hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Provide soap and hand sanitizer stations
d. Clean common surfaces frequently, including workstations, countertops and doorknobs. Routine cleaning is sufficient
e. Encourage employees to get vaccinated for seasonal flu. Review health benefits to ensure vaccinations are covered by your policy. Consider granting leave time for employees to get vaccinated.
f. Visit the CDC's influenza website for more workplace prevention tips.
Biological Threats
If you become aware of an unusual and suspicious substance nearby:
- Move away quickly.
- Wash with soap and water.
- Contact authorities.
- Listen to the media for official instructions.
- Seek medical attention if you become sick.
If you are exposed to a biological agent:
- Remove and bag your clothes and personal items. Follow official instructions for disposal of contaminated items.
- Wash yourself with soap and water and put on clean clothes.
- Seek medical assistance. You may be advised to stay away from others or even quarantined.
More Info:
Monkeypox Awareness Resources
The following resources are provided to increase your situational awareness and assist with your prevention programs.
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