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- When the Fire Starts
- Marshall Fire Video Compilation by 9NEWS
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- Wildfire Community Preparedness Day
- Fire Prevention, Education and Mitigation
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Wildfire Safety:
Wildfires can ruin homes and cause
injuries or death to people and
animals. A wildfire is an unplanned fire
that burns in a natural area such as a
forest, grassland, or prairie.
Wildfires can:
-Cause flooding or disrupt transportation, gas,
power, and communications.
-Happen anywhere, anytime. Risk increases with in
periods of little rain and high winds.
-Cost the Federal Government billions of dollars
each year.
During A Wildfire
Evacuate immediately if authorities tell you to do so.
If trapped, then call 911 and give your location, but be aware that
emergency response could be delayed or impossible. Turn on lights to
help rescuers find you.
Use an N95 masks to keep harmful particles out of the air you
If you are not ordered to evacuate but smoky conditions exist, stay
inside in a safe location or go to a community building where smoke
levels are lower.
Fire Safety at Work/Play
Fire safety training at work is everyone’s business. Each year in the United States,
there are between 70,000 and 80,000 workplace fires. Of these, over 5,000 result in
injury and 200 end in death. Fortunately, most workplace fires can be prevented —
only 15 percent of them are a result of circumstances outside of human control. The
key is training, knowledge, and preventative measures. It’s important that businesses
establish and implement fire safety programs and that all employees are involved.
Fire safety training kits should cover all vital elements such as hazard recognition,
prevention, and response. Use these fire safety basics to get you started. (Safety
Services Company, 2018)
Fireworks start an average of 18,500 fires per year, including 1,300 structure
fires, 300 vehicle fires, and 16,900 outside and other fires. These fires caused
an average of three deaths, 40 civilian injuries, and an average of $43 million
in direct property damage.
Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, in May each year.
Activities can include working to prepare individual homes, neighborhoods and business assets from future wildfire risks especially for those that operate within wildland/urban interface. Please follow this link for more information, Tips and Tools.
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